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React Native from Clojurescript

· (clojurescript reagent react-native)

React Native

I have always been curious about mobile apps development. In 2018 I tried with a friend to launch a startup and the first thing I tried was to develop a mobile app. I wanted to write my code only once for Android and iOS and not the same logic twice in Java+Swift.

At the time of research the two opponents were Xamarin and React Native. The promise is the same: write the logic once, have the framework manage the native code.

After reading some pros and cons I decided to write C# with Xamarin because scared of React and Javascript and the fontend world. It was an ok experience but the framework was not mature and C# did not excite me. When I hit my first real problem when implementing authentication, I gave up.

Fast forward 2 years and React Native is mature and I am no longer afraid! Reagent made me fall in love React and Clojurescript allows me to skip Javascript.

React Native with the support of Facebook has developed rapidly (most active github repo in 2019). It can leverage the React ecosystem, it has good documentation, its generic components are well designed.


Inspired by this blog post, my first attemp at React Native from Clojurescript was with Krell. Krell's philoshopy is to provide a very thin layer over React Native. Well, I had some hiccups during the setup, I found it still (too) barebones.

Few months later I saw another announcement on Slack: figwheel for React Native. I followed the Getting Started docs and I quickly had my iOS simulator running alongside figwheel hot-reloading.

I had also been hearing very good things about Expo, which should handle for you complicated things like camera, location, notifications. It was supported out of the box, here is my ios.cljs.edn:

^{:react-native :expo
  :launch-js ["yarn" "ios"]}
{:main app.core}

When I run cider-jack-in-cljs, CIDER will ask me to run figwheel-main, ios configuration. This will return a cljs REPL and will run yarn ios in the background. This is defined in package.json and runs "expo start --ios". With the iOS Simulator running I can then run the Expo app and select my iOS build.


My first steps consisted of learning what a React Native component is. This is the first example in the Rect Native docs:

import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

const YourApp = () => {
  return (
    <View style={{ flex: 1, justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}>
        Hello World!

Javascript makes it slightly verbose but the concept is quite simple: our app includes a View component and inside that a Text component. Since react-native is really just React, we can use reagent to have hiccup-like syntax and smart UI reloading.

Looking on github for repos using the cljs + react-native combo I realized that every developer uses js interop in a slightly different way to wrap react-native components. The reagent-react-native project helps eliminating this "common boilerplate" by providing ready-to-use components. This is my deps.edn:

{:deps {org.clojure/clojurescript     {:mvn/version "1.10.773"}
        io.vouch/reagent-react-native {:git/url ""
                                       :sha     "54bf52788ab051920ed7641f386177374419e847"}
        reagent                       {:mvn/version "0.10.0"
                                       :exclusions  [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]}
        com.bhauman/figwheel-main     {:mvn/version "0.2.10-SNAPSHOT"}}}

And here is the minimal example above, with reagent syntax:

  (:require [react]
            [reagent.react-native :as rrn]))

(defn hello []
  [rrn/view {:style {:flex 1 :align-items "center" :justify-content "center"}}
   [rrn/text "Hello World!"]])

It can't get any more simple. The reagent code is an abstraction for this lower level interop code:

(def <> react/createElement)

(<> rn/View
      #js {:style #js {:flex            1
                       :align-items "center"
                       :justifyContent  "center"}}
      (<> rn/Text (str "HELLO WORLD!!")))

Following the React Native docs was relatively easy. I only had troubles when wrapping the FlatList example:

const FlatListBasics = () => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
          {key: 'Devin'},
          {key: 'Dan'},
        renderItem={({item}) => <Text style={styles.item}>{item.key}</Text>}

This is how I solved it:

(defn flat-list []
   {:data        [{:key "Devin"}
                  {:key "Devn"}]
    :render-item #(<> rn/Text
                      #js {:style #js {:color     "black" :textAlign "center"}}
                      (.-key (.-item %)))}])

The render-item function is passed a single argument, an object. We can access the data accessing the .-item key.

Calling clojure

You soon come to the realization that 99% of the mobile apps we use can be represented by React Native components, some simple data logic and styling. What makes cljs attractive for mobile app development is that you can write your logic in clojure.

To go beyond the basic tutorial, I decided to develop a quick app to play sudoku. First I set up the View code to represent the Sudoku grid as a flat-list, as explained above. Then, to implement the Model code I resorted to Clojure, functional programming and lazy sequences.

Instead of having to spin up figwheel + Expo + Simulator, I could simply open a clj REPL. After writing the code for my sudoku grid in sudoku.clj (note the defmacro):

(defmacro sudoku-grid []
  (->> (repeatedly nine-rows)
       (filter valid-rows?)
       (filter valid-columns?)
       (filter valid-blocks?)

I could simply "require it" in sudoku.cljs:

(ns app.sudoku
  (:require-macros [app.sudoku]))

I could have just written the logic directly in sudoku.cljs but this approach allows to leverage the whole clj ecosystem and permits faster experimentation. This is the screenshot of the result, it was a lot of fun:
